

We are no medical experts here at Be In, but we can see how the virus is spreading across the world using travelers as vessels and making its way along popular trails. Take our next advice with a grain of salt and with your own research, but we believe this is not the time to be traveling or hiking. If not for your own safety but for the safety of others. You may be confident you can withstand the covid-19, but ultimately this is not about you. This is not the time to be selfish.

You must consider the health of your family, friends, community, country, and all of humanity. This is about the worlds health. If we dont halt the progression of the virus, we can see many deaths within the year and infections in more secluded areas as well as a exponential increase in infection rates. This would be followed by other predicted and unforeseen consequences I dare not think about.

If you still choose to travel, then understand the risks of the places you will be traveling to. Understand how to keep yourself safe and how to avoid getting infected. Don’t panic and be kind. We are all in this together. 

Below is a link to the World Health Organization detailing basic protective measures

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