Our Favorite Outdoor Articles of the Year!

Our Favorite Outdoor Articles of the Year!

Keep Connected on the Camino

if your doing the Camino de Santiago, another trail in Europe, or backpacking across the continent this sim card will give you internet to keep connected. Because of the newly established regulations you can use this sim card across the European union with no additional fees or hassle. With its pay per month no contract nature and its low cost 3 GB for €12 a month this sim is perfect to keep your friends or family updated.


Camino Portuguese Guide

Our first attempt at a hiking guide this spoiler free article will be your cicerone through Portugal. Across one of the most beautiful countries we have visited you will walk or cycle along the Camino de Santiago on the Camino Portuguese trail seeing some of the best places in Portugal.


Is the Camino Frances Right For Me?

One of our first articles and still one of our favorites this articles explores the meaning of the Camino Frances one of the most popular thru hiking trails in the world. What should I take, how much will i spend, what will i see, is it hard, and is it worth it are some question we answer. Parse the site for more articles about the Camino de Santiago.

Poor Man's Stove: how to make an alcohol stove out of an aluminium can

Poor Man's Stove: how to make an alcohol stove out of an aluminium can

Fiskars X7 Hatchet overview

Fiskars X7 Hatchet overview