Our how-to on making this wonderful alcohol stove that in our opinion beats out all the other homemade stoves.
My post hike look at what I packed for my 6-day Camino de Santiago hike with stealth hammock camping.
These are our tips - tried and tested - on how to decrease leg pains and in turn increase the amount you walk a day.
Everything I did to prevent knee pain on the hardest Camino de Santiago thruhike there is in Spain.
External Link: how to repair outdoor gear so you can use them for future adventures.
Finnish youtuber talks about why he enjoys camping in a hammock.
Have I found success in using the Apple watch for through hiking?
These are Be In’s tips to be able to leave a smaller carbon footprint while hiking.
We go over all the Filtration, Purification, and Sanitization techniques you can use on the trail or at a camp site.
This hiking gear may not seem the most obvious to bring, but I have found these to be very valuable items in my hiking arsenal.
Review of the CPL24 v2 from the perspective of someone who used the v1 but also an attempt to look at it from someone who has not.
Discover the best places to see within the Gerês Peneda National Park in Portugal.
The best places to see in the Galician coast: Ría de Muros e Noia. Road trip from Muros to Fisterre. That is, a road trip to the end of the world.
Best places to visit in the estuary Ría de Muros e Noia, Galicia, starting from Noia and finishing in Corrubedo.
Some recommendations from the CDC and WHO for traveling in public.
This is an accumulation of the best travel tips we could find or that we have experienced. This ultimate list will make you the most efficient traveler at your destination.
For one to travel as minimally as possible, excess gear must be removed from baggage. These multipurpose items will help you do just that.
To travel in onebag style you need to get your load-out as minimal and light as possible without sacrificing comfort. This is my “one-cable” solution for charging all of your electronics.
Buitrago de Lozoya has a few interesting things to see. If passing by, one can knock the whole town out in an afternoon.
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