The Hot Pocket: The stuff sack that warms you and your gear

The Hot Pocket: The stuff sack that warms you and your gear

The Hot Pocket, at first glance, is an efficient stuff sack, packing down your sleeping bag into a small size. Sometimes it gets colder than you thought out in nature and packing different temperature sleeping bags is not an option. This is where the innovation of the Hot Pocket comes in. You can unzip the Hot Pocket to turn it into a blanket, but not just any blanket, an electric blanket that heats up.

I see this product as being three items in one. First its a stuff sack, then it can be a blanket, and lastly when the temperature is really low it can be a heated blanket. Having one item do so much yet add no additional volume or weight in your pack, because it replaces something that would have already been in your pack, is an ultralight packers dream.

The Hot Pocket uses a rechargeable battery which I prefer over replaceable ones. This device can be charged via usb or even small travel solar panel. It comes in a variety of temperatures and styles.

I think this is a great idea and incorperates the logic of ultralight packers; pack items that have multiple purposes. I also manage to be hot or cold no matter what sleeping bag I pack but not I can have two additional levels of comfort. You can find the Hot Pocket on Kickstarter.

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